Digital Signage

Welcome to SignageTube, the revolutionary signage channel for your screens. Our mission is to provide you with the latest and most innovative digital signage solutions to captivate your audience and elevate your brand. Whether you’re a small business owner or a large corporation, our customizable and user-friendly platform will empower you to create stunning displays that will leave a lasting impression. Join SignageTube today and experience the future of digital advertising!


Digital Signage Software
Plans & Pricing

Choose your currency
  • Ideal for a trial of the premium plan
  • Send content to any television
  • Send content to Android Smart TVs
  • Send content to Android tablets
  • Send content to Android phones
  • Send content to Windows computers
  • Upload PowerPoint presentations to devices
  • Upload movies to devices
  • Playlist scheduling
  • File storage on server
  • Playback resolution on your device
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Access to more than 120 templates
  • Maximum number of devices on account
  • Multiple sites
  • Multiple users
  • User permission management
  • Remove SignageTube branding at bottom
  • Cancel any time
  • Ideal for a trial of the premium plan
  • Send content to any television
  • Send content to Android Smart TVs
  • Send content to Android tablets
  • Send content to Android phones
  • Send content to Windows computers
  • Upload PowerPoint presentations to devices
  • Upload movies to devices
  • Playlist scheduling
  • File storage on server
  • Playback resolution on your device
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Access to more than 120 templates
  • Maximum number of devices on account
  • Multiple sites
  • Multiple users
  • User permission management
  • Remove SignageTube branding at bottom
  • Cancel any time
  • Ideal for a trial of the premium plan
  • Send content to any television
  • Send content to Android Smart TVs
  • Send content to Android tablets
  • Send content to Android phones
  • Send content to Windows computers
  • Upload PowerPoint presentations to devices
  • Upload movies to devices
  • Playlist scheduling
  • File storage on server
  • Playback resolution on your device
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Access to more than 120 templates
  • Maximum number of devices on account
  • Multiple sites
  • Multiple users
  • User permission management
  • Remove SignageTube branding at bottom
  • Cancel any time
$0per month
per device
  • 1 GB
  • Normal
  • 1
0per month
per device
  • 1 GB
  • Normal
  • 1
£0per month
per device
  • 1 GB
  • Normal
  • 1
$14per month
per device
when paid annually
  • 25 GB
  • High
  • Unlimited
14per month
per device
when paid annually
  • 25 GB
  • High
  • Unlimited
£14per month
per device
when paid annually
  • 25 GB
  • High
  • Unlimited
$19per month
per device
  • 25 GB
  • High
  • Unlimited
19per month
per device
  • 25 GB
  • High
  • Unlimited
£19per month
per device
  • 25 GB
  • High
  • Unlimited
Powered by ARPrice

Have Questions?

Our Features

All Digital Signage Plans Include

Local Server

A local server when possible in your geographical area.

Unlimited Playlists

Define as many playlists as you need.  Prepare your next Christmas playlist already now.

Unlimited Players

You can add and manage an unlimited number of screens (within your subscription).

Multiple Sites

Our Brand Plan can manage multiple sites and site users.

Automatic Rendering

Our powerful servers will render your videos in real-time.


We make sure that your media content is back upped every day.

Proof of Play

We log every start and stop time of every media file of your playlist.

Playlist Combinations

You schedule multiple playlists for on screen. We will merge them together.

Free Templates

Pick your favorite template, customize it and include it in your playlist.

Why Choose Brand Digital Signage Plan?

With our Brand plan, there is no limit to the wonders you can accomplish using the digital signage plan. From your desk, you can freely schedule and broadcast your brand across multiple platforms. You will also receive 24/7 customer service support anytime you run into little issues.

Built to Last

Flexible Playlist. Empower your Brand.

No limitations

Our digital signage plans can be modified to fit your specific needs.

Broadcast your brand

Using your created animations, you can tell the world about your personal or business brand. Supported by multiple platforms, there is no limit to the number of people that can have access to information about you.

No extra training required

SignageTube and PowerPoint as editor is a simple and straight-forward software. SignageTube does not require any prior training experience to give you access to its platform. It is tailored for you.

Admin Control

Better Stats. More Control.

Our platform is very flexible to various modifications as you create your videos. With accessible options, you are on your way to creating your masterpiece.

We help our subscribers get started by providing an exclusive download area where you can browse and download hundreds of PowerPoint templates.

These editable templates cover a wide range of industries including those for hotels, restaurants, museums, price lists, and the list goes on.

Just make your choice, change the data and use that on your playlists, to get started quickly.

You can also customize these templates to fit your personal taste.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

24/7 Award Winning Support

We are with you every step of your journey. Our online support personnel makes sure that your experience remains a smooth and enjoyable one.

Free Digital Signage

We are confident that we provide you with one of the best digital signage you can find anywhere on the web. With this, we are offering a completely free account of our SignageTube software.

Free SignageTube Account

Sign up for your account below to see how cloud-based digital signage can help your business, organization or facility.

Note that it is best to choose a server on your continent for the best download and upload performance. No problem if there is no server available for your direct neighborhood. Our system will still work. We will set up new servers in new areas based on the location of our customers to keep our server fits and healthy.